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Cain, gets it out of their system so they can explore other cinematic modes. THE MAN WHO WASN'T THERE (R) Film noir has been good to Coen Brothers, although one hopes that their latest, an homage to the work of James M. Harry Shearer plays an office orientation leader. HAIKU TUNNEL (R) Jacob and Josh Kornbluth co-write, direct and act in a corporate satire about a temp (Josh) who's life turns upside down when he takes a permanent job at a huge company. Costarring Meat Loaf, Laura Dern and William H. Suddenly the victims of religious and racial persecution, they find themselves aligned with a local Jewish immigrant in a struggle for dignity and survival.

The North Carolina production is most noteworthy for the real-life bar fight that put Vaughn briefly in the hoosegow and costar Steve Buscemi briefly in a hospital.įOCUS (PG-13) In the waning months of World War II, a man and his wife are mistakenly identified as Jews by their anti-Semitic Brooklyn neighbors. ? DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE (PG-13) The latest variation on the Hand That Rocks the Cradle household-thriller genre has John Travolta growing suspicious when son Matthew O'Leary accuses his sinister new stepfather (Vince Vaughn) of misdeeds.

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